Leonell EchaOctober 17, 2016

Patriotism could have been having the willingness to die for your country because you know your country is willing to die for you. Can a president unseat himself to save the life of one citizen? Governance knows every other language except appeal to sentiments. If a country is a failed state, its citizens have nothing […]

Leonell EchaOctober 7, 2016

Mother! Giver of life, maker of war! I wish, I pray daily that you do not run out of life! Father! What can I say, the victories you’ve won, the tragedies you yet confront. Ozovehe calls you Hero! Brother! Ohiani left in search of gold! I pray he sends word, let us know he’s not […]

Leonell EchaOctober 6, 2016

Yesterday, today and tomorrow is a web of question marks? Actions and inactions piled into small stacks Some eaten by weevils Others bedeviled by human devils Thus the questions keep piling All defying efforts at answering All the scars of today Are a factor of wounds inflicted by yesterday All the crutches dreams bear today […]

Leonell EchaOctober 5, 2016

Year 2021 should be a blast With faded memories of the past. Passing out heat like a Langley A few more cars Overridden scars A home filled with tiny little feet’s A million dollar ring over a million dollar smile on my face Tagged the world’s favorite IT specialist And foremost nurtured and buried so […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 9, 2016

My muse must be a man! Sometimes i imagine him on an expensive private island, just soaking up the sun and smoking a Cuban cigar. Totally oblivious of the fact that we are a team and we have words to string out and a world to change. Muse is inspiration, every human being needs a […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 5, 2016

STORY 1 (In a police station, a policeman and Mrs Dauda discuss bail conditions) CONSTABLE 1; Madam your husband is a mad man, he claims he stole the sack of cassava because he prayed and when he opened his eyes the sack dropped from heaven, hahaha, your husband dey craze (he continues to write in […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 4, 2016

A typical Sabbath in a typical Nigerian Christian family always start with a personal prayer. It could last for a minute or an hour. It sorely depends on how the ‘spirit leads’. To start off this day of worship as a family, the breakfast table must be laid on time while everyone scrambles to bathe. […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 1, 2016

“Tomorrow never forgives today’s mistake, plough today, you may be lucky to have her cake.” -Thomas Bot “Motivation is like riding a bike, pedaling backwards would slow to give the fastest speed.”- Leonell Echa ‘Like all natural force, motivation is the source of boundless misery, or abundant glory.’- David ‘OracLe’ Onotu “Doubt is the vehicle […]

Leonell EchaAugust 30, 2016

“The lord only chastises whom He loves, i am your lord on earth and i love you, you must be corrected. She heard him drag mother into the room. Papa grabbed the tattered belt off the mahogany shelf and slashed mother hard as she screamed but the rain drowned her voice so papa cried with […]

Leonell EchaAugust 29, 2016

Anu was at the shrine again, this time she brought dinner and two big bottles of Swan water. She must see Zanuomo, the masquerade of fertility, its feathers and straws attracted babies from the arms of Eledumare. Any woman blessed to dance with the masquerade when he appears at the shrine must mate with her […]

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