Leonell EchaDecember 5, 2017

Before you come, please be aware, The traffic might be too heavy. And when you come, you’ll meet me here, My mind is made up already. Before you come, please be aware I’m weak, fragile and unsteady To days i’ll stitch, and those i’ll tear, Come wild, come tamed, but come ready. Leonell

Leonell EchaJanuary 1, 2017

Today just like any other, As the sun rose, marking the death, And birth of another day, Yesterday’s thoughts, today’s acts, Today’s news, tomorrow’s facts, Yesterday’s weakness, morrow’s strength, Strangers one day, kith another, Today fades into yesterday, And tomorrow into today, A year is just another day. Hijab Gurl ============================================ Gift of rolling days […]

Leonell EchaDecember 31, 2016

Today it all comes to an end; Worries, life, the death of a friend . And grace is absent at supper- As is happy ever after. Today we promise not to keep- We pick; we pile, we drop, we heap And hearts are broken many times Life’s ladder, not everyone climbs. Leon ================================== Death to […]

Leonell EchaDecember 30, 2016

If i were to fall in love I’ll beg to fall while on water To never see the torrents end I’ll hate to stay afloat Because deep is how you dig. …[T]o end up with a best friend To not try to comprehend Why these butterflies feel like giant birds Why my heart becomes a […]

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