Leonell EchaMarch 10, 2018

The culture of reading and writing has been age-long. Literature has succeeded in revealing the deep thoughts and common beliefs of a people through stories (prose), drama, and poetry. And poetry has constantly been a reminder of oral tradition because it can communicate effectively, innermost feelings and thoughts of both the bearer and the receivers. […]

Leonell EchaDecember 6, 2016

EB Arts Organisation is a social initiative that seeks to promote the culture of education. Education that hinges on every form of art and civil involvement in creative thinking that promotes societal harmony while increasing learning. Founded in 2011 as a nongovernmental platform, EB has succeeded in holding the first Jos Inter-school poetry contest that […]

Leonell EchaOctober 15, 2016

So i have been thinking about ‘LuSt’ that Malvina Patrick released and been imagining angles from which to interpret the concept behind her writing ‘LuSt.’ You know she said something about the song being self-explanatory and having the ability to ‘free’ you from any social or mind control mechanisms. I took the liberty to play […]

Leonell EchaJuly 9, 2016

The F.L.I.P CHALLENGE is one out of EB’s many approaches to draw knowledge from far and near, while unifying poets and writers to pursue the essence of the art, not just for art sake, but for love for art sake. We intend to uphold the tradition of poetry and spoken word, and create a universe […]

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Everything you’ll find in our literature are products of our thoughts, experiences and challenges. Search for a theme that interests you, read and tell us what you think about it.



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