Leonell EchaMay 10, 2017

Aunt Nissi called him names said he was her heaven, her paradise and life It was many years when momma was no longer alive Before I learnt his real name was James She said he promised her Never to be bitter three square meals, a fluffy bed And soothing music from his guitar his guitar […]

Leonell EchaMay 9, 2017

These words express the nudity of truth. How raw,lies are being swallowed ignorantly. How clear,eyes are closed to see the wrongs. How pure lies are stained with hypocrisy. How tattered the skin of evil is,when undressed. How realistic,wickedness has become the best investment. How uncooked rumors are being served. How dirty the truth of leaders […]

Leonell EchaMay 8, 2017

Rule in a common voice called on obedience. Disobedience in a respectful voice responded. In no time his presence in shoes of loyalty appeared. Offering a face of smile he didn’t get back. Obedience after murmuring later answered, Reluctantly showing his frowned face Which got a huge box of smile in a pack. What the […]

Leonell EchaMay 8, 2017

For this one the dots connected Exalting lies so intended This is a story of pure hate Sizzling masterpiece on gold plate. I was sure she was super smart He on the other hand,alert. We believed there were strings attached Which in months to come will be detached Miidong ==================================== Untie ye not this mutual […]

Leonell EchaMay 6, 2017

Rinse your words with thoughts. Wipe them with wisdom, Melt and pour all into the mouth Of a ill heart like syrup. Let it trek down the road of healing To settle in between the cracks of the heart That broke out salty liquid From a squeezed face. Dry up those tears, From outside and […]

Leonell EchaMay 5, 2017

Morning 2:45am Mother’s hands have turned to feet They walk and work to make ends meet As she burdens to fight defeat Let her plates hold enough for us to eat Evening 6:45pm This house is weak, the roof admits When it rains,water comes in uninvited and sits We’ve nailed, we’ve patched. We’ve sailed, we’ve […]

Leonell EchaMay 4, 2017

Father of my dear father Link to my origin and root Your care was compared to that of mother Though i would say,you both are cute Your words were soul nourishing Wisdom seemed speechless before you You made age and death feel like vanishing Fine old man, simplicity was your woo Taught me lessons life […]

Leonell EchaMay 4, 2017

Two doors, same destination Walk me away from my hallucination Tiptoe, tiptoe, avoid the issues Avoiding water, we’ve become tissues One turned former, the second became present Manifesting the same things he used to resent. The system has driven us on flat tyres to hunger The change has spiced our meals with anger Two doors […]

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