Leonell EchaSeptember 15, 2019

Shame is sheer arrogance That bruises shallow pride Before the fall, we get a chance To without ego decide To ask hubris to wait outside. Elle ——————————- Akin to losing a limb And the loss of feeling Is this ego of mine, rendered incapacitated. I find no joy in its absence MIB —————————— Behind this […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

Remember that time I told you Of the man in the French cut suit The colour of navy blue Or black with a bluish hue I can’t seem to remember anymore MIB ————————— “Elena wake up! If i can’t sleep, you can’t. You make me a miserable ant. How were you as an infant? Urgh!!! […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

I called to her attention with ease. I am that man that seldom use the word “please”. I am trapped in a maze with a blueprint at hand. I am dealing with the fastest animal, A cheetah to be precise. Today i mark my exodus! The beginning of the end. Blackman —————————- My stressor, my […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

She kept praying to the devil about his demons. She wants to receive aid but she is armless. Her fortress is gate-less and the intruder is relentless. She is on a bitter odyssey with a ornery creature. The doorbell rings again! The monster from hell is her mister!!! Blackam —————————— The bite of steel on […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

Our genesis was found on a ground of heresies. Ignorant of the emphasis of our evil tendencies. Synopsis of how our lives regressed under hypnosis. We lived our lives on excesses and romanticized with our menaces. Now we are forced to live with our nemesis as our lives rot away in the abysses. El-Azul ——————————- […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

In the race of life, men compete for vanity Truncated humanity is our major disability Toils of blood is the new gain of the bourgeois The middle east is a testing ground for weapons Now peace only exists in greetings like salaam Blackam ————————————— The perfect definition of life Slicing through my day like a […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 14, 2019

Miss Xavie, seventh of last month made you 21 Birthdays are the buy days for gifts, prayers and so on, To celebrate with God, family and friends all through. But I wasn’t there to prove our friendship was true. It’s Tochi, and I’m very sorry. I’ve been earning badly these times. This has caused me […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 12, 2019

Fellow Nigerians, I congratulate you Today marks the start of a new journey I tell you, if one must succeed He has to look for what to do, not what he has done Our tale has been one riddled with ups and downs We must begin to prepare for new stories As we turn a […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 11, 2019

Dear Dolph, Thank you for writing always.Yes. I couldn’t reply, I think I’ve been denying always. Yes. The reason was i, i didn’t think i’m mighty always. Yes. But i realized i couldn’t have been silent always So, here is a reply And between you and i Is an ocean filled with water that came […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 10, 2019

You caused me anxiety In the noon of my life I have had to consider you In more ways than one To fly beyond my cage. Peeping at the world Through a little window Of disjointed joints All I see is half blooms Half of the moon Reading half of the yellow sun Through half […]

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