Review: “Take A Listen” by Mala Iwa


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This poem is centered on revealing the negativity of today’s government. It is a poem to the rulers, referring to them as ” naked shameless agbadas” which is a metonymy, telling them that he’d “plead even if I bleed until my plea is heed”, insisting that he won’t back down until something changes. It talks of institutionalization presented as love, and pushing brothers to fight against brothers. The poem has a pleasant use of rhyme in ” brother “, ” border” and “bothered”. He talks of his blinded trust ” like Stevie wonder” which is a simile, and pun comes in “that even Stevie wonders”.

The poem goes further to talk about how bad the government pushes us and causes us to be woeful yet do not care, which provoked him to write hoping someone listens. Also, how they bring up policies that are harmful, yet the masses assist them, their extravagant lifestyle at the expense of ” graduates checking for the strength of their CV”, “people in the villages need boreholes”, and concludes by urging Nigerians to vote right so they wouldn’t be the victims yet again.

Mala Iwa’s use of rhyming, repetition and puns really suits the poem. The sound track gives it a solid/tense mood, and has a simple language. Since it is a poem about the ills of the society, I recommend that everyone listens to it, for no one is left out when we talk of our country be it the good sides or the bad.


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