Review: Reincarnation by Bamvi ft. Phil Dobson.


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If she is to reincarnate after death, she’d surely want Bamvi to be her father again, and she, his Jemima, for these kind of words spoken from birth is one to forever live for. The city of Jos must be proud of having Bamvi and as a son.

Joy, hope, and praises are essential ingredients to the sound and rhythm heard. The chorus is 50 shades of beautiful and appeasing. I’ll rename this poem “An ode to mother and child”. Appealing words never ended like an onion that is being peeled; there was always another to look forward to after the other.

“Oh my ovaries” is a slang said when a cute baby is seen or touched. But men and women yet to give birth know nothing about pain felt. The speaker spoke the ignorance many of us possess. From semen, to blood, to clot, and to a child; mothers deserve all the accolades and the speaker just told us why.

The Yorubas will say “The sins of the father will be paid by the child too.” The speaker can be heard praying his sins are forgiven so the “daughter of Dawasi” be cursed with forgiveness from his sins.

In a world full of lust, a girl should find peace and love with her father. In same world of lust, a father should pray to be able to shower his daughter the peace and love she deserves. The speaker said a prayer and I am whispering an innocent, AMEN.

I don’t know what the future has to offer, but part of things I’ll love to see is another effort from Bamvi and Phil Dobson, for “REINCARNATION” is one very close to perfection.

Wildkhard [TA]

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