The Company You Keep

Those i seek
Run through life like its a trick
Soliloquies to the peak
In saddest memories we make pics.
But offered between ying and yang
One more hit makes the drum bang
Keeping me sane while we sang
Dancing in the dark.
The company I keep
Either family or poets
Though poets are forever family
I’ll say my ever after started off happily.. Hypermind
I’m in cuffs
Going away for a day
Someone called the cops
Because we threw a party in May
I’m out of jail
Someone got me out
It’s quite a tale
It’ll make you pout
Someone got me into jail
Another got me out of jail
The company I keep
Is worth the keep
Do their hearts see colors as it is?
or judge the moon, sun, wind by bliss?
I have chosen you not to make me piss
This company you keep, why do they diss?
Pillows of grace you always fluff
storing up sins like ants with the grains
I will get back to my feet- an unusual bluff
The company you keep, they lack the brains.
The company you keep should not barb your hair,
for your strength will travel and clothe their hairless body
The company you keep should help you shine
with no moonshine gulps singing from your lips. – Ruddapoet
The jungle is a decent village
Not for man and beast to converge
The gutter is a perfect sewage
But not from such would spring emerge.
The clinic is a pale community
But life and death combine
And life is choice commodity
When death will now resign
One, a number. Two, another
Three, a crowd. Four, a quarter.
If two be company, then one should be proud.
Easy it is to sneak out as one than two in a crowd. Leon
There are those others that I know.
I visit them,  call them but they don’t know
The deep recesses that they miss
By standing aloof missing this.
Then there are those who catch the drift.
They pry so sweetly through the drift
They see castles I would build
And lend me voice and life they wield.
There is a friend I let few see
In truth,  they can’t for he is me
Down every pathway he has gone
My heart he wooed and won.  Seun
Lola you must stay away from Rubby
as Rudolph must abstain from Leon
their ways may seem lively
but at the end, oh, what a bad decision
The company I keep
Is no Oracles business
We laugh, sometimes we weep
only shows our bond is timeless
The solitude you reap
From being such a creep
is lesson enough
that your ways are no good
As a teen, Nike led a hard life
Her soul was butchered by the night knife
In her heart she swore
To make of many,whores
Her company young girls sought
Sweet advice from her lips bought
Dreary conscience must have tripped
For the good in them she whipped
One father saw her picture on his daughter
He knew she too had been slaughtered
His heart shut down, like beauty slept
Lying cold in the morgue, in a steel with dent. Vera Bonny
In a world of more judges and acclaimed victims,
Youth loosing their sanity
Leaders emptying the Treasury,
The company I keep mask their pains with smiles,
 As fake be the new original,
Lies be the new truth,
Decency buried with Ruth,
The company I keep still respect  the Good word, no denial.
With love wrongly misinterpreted,
Pleasure overly expressed,
Friendship only of gain,
The company I keep are blood from another.
Hijab Gurl
The thoughts of him makes me pick my pen
The only company that drives me to den
I dined with pain and saw pleasure stare in my face
I couldn’t mix this, I gave my all to one lace.

This company is only but one
My heart, my call, my able son
I carry his drive to mix my dive
I swim even in mud five.

Keep on getting me to my region
The company that understand few legion
I am ready to be schooled on late nights
With you I will bear the light. – Rachel Charles

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