Leonell EchaSeptember 20, 2017

How did we end up like this, among heaps of stones selfish? I’m left with fragments of untrue truths, losing the face of completeness. They teach us how to give, but cut the fingers after they receive. How did you end up like this, wearing colors that conceal your shadow? Where are the colors of […]

Leonell EchaSeptember 7, 2017

Amongst people there are beasts With wings whiling in the mists Awaiting the curse to wear off Needing a beauty’s drop of love. Amongst people there are gods Idols of good, evil and all Those who foolishly defy the odds Forgetting we all must stand to fall. Leonell =========================== Only fine threads weave ugly baskets […]

Leonell EchaJanuary 7, 2017

Those i seek Run through life like its a trick Soliloquies to the peak In saddest memories we make pics. But offered between ying and yang One more hit makes the drum bang Keeping me sane while we sang Dancing in the dark. The company I keep Either family or poets Though poets are forever […]

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