Review: “Ode to Fathers” by Rudolph Ruddapoet


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Rudolph Adidi also known as Ruddapoet or TRCP “The red cap poet”, is a poet turned Architect, turned poet again, and decided to stay an “Archi-poet”. He hails from the northern part of Nigeria, Jos to be precise. He is one of the few remaining of a dying breed, and he lends his voice to fathers on this piece titled “Ode to fathers”

He starts by talking about “Fathers who never show their sons the end of their rainbow.” He speaks on the neglect of fathers to the welfare of their children. “Roots are buried in rum so they’re drunk.” Fathers are suppose to set examples, but some choose to set bad ones.

“Fathers who do not know how to father their sons.” There’s a difference in carrying out responsibilities and being a father to a child. Love is a key factor. He didn’t mention the factor in the beginning, but talks about it later in the poem from words his own father spoke to him.

“Our fear are for our daughters and our sons.” The words that succeeds this line reminds me of Pedophiles and the unspeakable acts they commit. Some fathers are not left out in defying children who carry remains of their blood around.

“Only them can be custodians of the society.” Fathers that leave their wives and wards at home to make friends with booze and mini skirts at night are seated on this table. “If we follow their ways, we will be wayward.” If their wards are to follow their way of life, they’ll end up having no life.

The speaker also acknowledges kids whose fathers are gone. “Some of us only know fathers by spellings. Cause ours are bounded by heaven” There’s no difference between fathers who don’t give fatherhood to their children and those whose fathers are dead.

At a point in the poem, the speaker is heard voicing his pains louder and faster. The ode is generally a mixture of prose and poetry with a sad and reflective mood.

The speaker speaks of his “Archi-poetry (Architecture and poetry)” skills and how much of an impact his father made on him. Speaks about his father teaching him words he should use to strive. His father told him to construct not just buildings, but “Construct a house that sits on no mystery.”

A metaphorical appreciation was given to those fathers whom “If we eat of their fruits, we will be fruitless” at a point in the poem. He urges fathers and fathers-to-be to “teach children that love is indescribable,” as he was told by his own father to also do same.

He state “Crocodiles have the most complicated heart in the animal kingdom” and prays no father should have a heart of crocodile.

Paying close attention as a listener, you should have a sad and reflective mood too. The background music and voices perfectly soothes the elements of the messages passed in the ode. It is a worthy listen.

Wildkhard [TA]

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