Poetry: The Way Out!

The eyes of my heart
Pictured so many things.
The city of my mind
Hosted so many questions
I wish I could answer.

My thoughts trekked many miles
In search of answers
To protect the heart from seeing
And put an end to the mind’s
Unanswerable questions.

But the search for answers
Led to more questions
That couldn’t be solved without
Answering the first
Now what is the way out?

That’s another question
that needs another answer
To solve the first and second
Question with less thought
Of the way out.



The exit to chaos
The door to a start

Can’t wish your way out of this
Miss yourself with the displease

A way is not away
Let the peace refill

There’s a will and there’s a way
Take your pick if you may
Give reason a say
Rome was not built in a day
Your only way out is to stay



Transverse routes
Leading nowhere exactly.
Trying to get out.
But the question remains,
Out of where?

Familiar time and shame.
Trying to remember.
Where I know you from.
Same danger.
Strange road.

You should be different
If you wanted to lead me.
Again I’m just lurking.
Hoping it’s out,
Out of the way.

The stars can’t even outshine this.
Darkness covering this path.
My hands are hanging.
Lead me, let’s be led.
It should just be a way out.


The way painted in blood
A maze with flying swords
Tripping down an endless falls.
When it rings answer not those calls,
The weight is heavily fined.

It is made up of iron bars
Running in parallel lines
The centre, a hardened tar
In pool of drowning smiles
That was never the end.

Three doors labelled exit…
Each had a bleak expression.
None ushered perfection,
An utter game of confusion
Decorated with temptation.

This road led out carved in
Full of reflected deeds.
In its vastness, a glassy sea.
If that cross was a heavy lid,
Why does your body float?



There’s always a door
As wide as the earth
Revealed to all beings
Whom choice has chosen
To do his will or that of another

For I heard ‘try’ tell ‘again’
The followers he lost
To minds who never try again
But wallow in the confines
Of resounding cliche; why me?

These days even ‘Q’ marks
Are fade up like some old jeans
With the roles questions
Assign them only at their end.
They want something new, like answers.

So, the way up is down
Gravity still lives.
What men seek was never lost.
What men lost can always be found.
The way out is you.



The way out is in
The mid in between
The right path is wrong
Often shorter than it is long
Water is our dry land.

Open vents
Intended dents
Shackled feet
A hungry eat
The marks on our hands are footpaths

Daylight dreamer.

There is no way out!
Trap us round about!
Let freedom bar us
To liberate what was.
Prisons never dread locks.



Out of this world
Into another realm
Into this world
Out of another realm
This is the way of life.

Bottles of wine!
Wild laughter and back slaps
small chops and cigarettes
Beneath the northern lights
Dreamers show the way

Walks on cool breezy evenings
Passing smiles from strangers
warm hugs and perfumed letters
from far overseas places
Only this path can give you peace

Light music, purple curtains
Burning candles, nighttime whispers
Steaming mugs, blooming magnolias
Singing birds, an opened book
only this path, nothing more

Bottles of wine!
Wild laughter and back slaps
small chops and cigarettes
Beneath the northern lights
Dreamers show the way



Today I heard a news
Some man will buy the juice.
If we don’t say our view
The world will end soon

As the crowd murmured,
“Will we end our lives?
Is suicide the pretty lane?”
See the knife dancing.

Otodo Gbame.!
Calamity has fallen!
The wailing game began
Our moments are buried.

In seconds, the roof is off
The sky became our homes
What is the way?
We stood in sad times.

Rachel Charles

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