Poetry: Somebody Lied


Somebody lied.
The preacher preached.
The pitcher pitched.
Still my hunger grew.
“This is the best bleach,”
Said the voice on the radio.
But it could not cleanse my scars.
The dress looked good on the poster.
That figure was never real.
On me it became an eye sore,
A comic relief for my friends.
Laughter takes away wrinkles:
The more i laughed,
The more i became sad.
A swollen belly
Brings forth babies,
But mine only brought shit.
All that moaning and pushing
Lay waste in a suck away.
Have faith and suck seed.
ManGoes should be perfect.
Marriage is a bed of roses…
Someone forgot about the thorns.



The day before that evening
It came on on the news
That life had lost its meaning
That living was of no use
I asked to read the story
I asked to have a clue
If i was to say I’m sorry
Or set out to look for you.
Then i met with decision
But didn’t know what to do
The report was my solution
Since a lie had come true
So we both arranged a meeting
Said he wants to apologize
It was a good enough reason
To hug and look into his eyes
He said he was sorry
I said i was too
Then i shot him in a hurry
And joined the crowd to ask “who?”



Heard of stories
That sounded true
I almost believed
before I found out
it came from you.

Your sincerity for ages convinced
Only those who don’t know you
Your truth led me into troubles
I know you’re very sincere
When it comes to lies

But your insincerity
I think will do more good
Cause your deceit is sharp
And your facts blunt enough
To dance on the skin with no blood

Your words always come earlier
After confirmation of fib.
I know you’re honest o
But i just cannot forget
Those trouble days
of your honesty.
I heard somebody lied
Is it you?



What are those clamouring thoughts
Speaking loudly like a drum.
Silent whispers of your truth.
Loud noise of your lies.
Awake with a vision.
A vision the blind the seen.
Ssshhhhh, not so loud.
Your silence is troubling.
Care less but not so careless.
Why touch when you can be,
The hate so desired?
In the loving eyes of truth.
So much pleasure
Harboured by fools
In total happiness
To their foolishness.
But those untold whispers
And over assumed assumption.
Those are yours to carry.
Forgive when I believe you not.



Retired poet!
See you for who you are
The whole city sees your lies sir!
One only hears of dead poets
Two tell tales in more than sonnets

Retired poet?
I’ve heard of wonders
Of woolen clad thunders
I’ve seen monsters
Sorcerers, magical masters
Never have, nor will come across
Such travesty as a
Retired poet?

We’ll bury your bones
And your words too
Make sure your groans
are holy and true
Somebody died!
The retired poet lied!
This you must confess
I’ve always been less
Less than Sages and Rabbis

How I know the Sage lied?
Red capped Oracles
Cyphers concealed in holy writ
Takes more than a life to unravel!
Somebody died!
The retired poet lied!



Hi, my name is Hubris
While performing catharsis
Leave me out, I’m good for you
Hold me close and let me guide you
Through dark alleys of loneliness
The deep valleys of lowliness
I’m not what they say I am
Pitfalls in your stomach, I ain’t
Let me take the front seat
On your journey to defeat
Victory isn’t your song to sing
Halt, quit the melodious hum
You belong with the norm
Hi, my name is Ruby
How about we tried this…
I flush you out ‘my dark alleys
I live one day and two others
Without You…
I am better off after all
Next time you need to tell a lie
Pick the man after the next
I don’t belong in your nest



The day insanity bought cries
My meticulous instincts died
On the white streets we saw black lies
They feigned psycho, somebody lied

All in search for greener pasture
All in waste to create manure
A sane thinking insanity
Black and faded mentality

They whispered with loud noises
“We bought this pretence with our skill?”
If they know we ain’t mad and cute
The jail will buy our assets
Send us to school in dark overalls

This is the price to pay today
Somebody lied to get away
He built mansions in Africa
I am ready for silly game.

Until name is hemmed on islands
Let me be mad for a living.

Rachel Charles


Ears love the rhythm
Of your unsacred drums
For they say of truth
Only your lips know of its lies
Your promises are spells on thumbs.

I’ve seen the dividends
Of democracy these
Democrats have painted
They are like tarred roads;
Too dark and matched upon.

They speak of the future
With tongues of a failed now,
Called my young a leader
Since when he was young;
Tomorrow is mine indeed!

The tunnel is bright
Its end confessed the contrary,
The economy will thrive,
They pledged their done to lottery.
Who wrote this?



You’re the brightest.
You’re the best,
Head and shoulders over the rest.
That’s your self image.
That’s the cue.
Sorry but they lied to you.
Nothing can overcome you.
There’s no mountain you can’t climb.
See those rivers.
You will ford them.
See the ocean.
You will sail them.
Ignore Titanic.
Oblie Santa Maria
You can make it if you try.
Yes, you’ll make it…
Reach that height
Cross the sea, hit other sides.
Sorry I’m bearing this news.
But someone lied.


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