She told me she was better than me
Sink, Sink, the words glided down my spine
Sprouting weeds of “i’m not good enough”
Shaking with unbelief,
The goddess within me wailed
Shattering the deceiving mirror that called me naive
Scratching out the words LESSER painted on the mirror
Summoned, the goddess within me spoke in a regnant fashion:
” Two souls, two pathways,
No one greater than the other,
For the only mountain you must surmount you created.”
I looked her in the eye, startled! She looked just like me.
Bent, she whispered, “the weeds get dry then disappear”
A fire starts within me
I don’t know its origin
I don’t know its destination
It burns nicely down my spine
Realizing i’m alone, i call out to the goddess
I hear myself answer my call.
She told me she was better than me again
Then i realized the goddess in oneness was me
I looked at the face that spat the words
I heard myself say “it’s not a contest”
Without the labour of poking at my heart
I know i will never be prey to an insecure soul
For there lies the origin of the thought of a contest.
©)Omolola Onigbinde
One comment
October 2, 2016 at 5:47 pm
Its always a dreadful task looking at ourselves in the eye.
Beautifully penned.