Poetry: Patience


Your steps are abso-BLOODY-lutely Slow
But my an-FURIOUS-xiety still will wait
For the dis-LONG-tance you keep
Can’t be picked but seen from a-ZOOM-far
You traveled for Hun-OLD-dred days
Just to Bless a pa-AWAITING-tient soul
My silence almost ask a ques-MAD-tion.
Can’t your foot ride on a wheel-FAST-barrow?

Patience is a bro-COMPLETELY-ken branch
It is tired out, angri-TWISTED-ly
It a-WAITED-long attached to the tree
Until exhaust-CERTAINLY-ion got in

From a fallen branch comes scat-LOST-tered fruits
Some old,some budding, some rot-FROM-ten roots
But to the top of that tree grud-HOLD-ges
A wait for wind to carry gent-LEAVES-ly.

Patience is a vir-STEADY-tue
know-AWARE-ing this
Be-REASON-cause I’m impatient
Something gives where calm ex-LIVES-ist
A-REPEATEDLY-gain, I know this
Because I can be pa-CALM-tient
Patience is a deci-CHOICE-sion
Se-CHOOSE-lect patience

So you no-SAW-ticed the things going on.
Your heart would sp-NOTE-eak out loud and bold.
Fing-DO-ers are itchy. Pulse is high.
The time to do some-CHANGE-thing is nigh.
Pause there are rea-PATHS-sons for failure.
Change is in the second and yea-TIME-r.
Wait for that turn-FULLNESS-ing of daybreak.
Hold for the break-COMING-ing of dawn.

Patience is a sa-HIGH-cred virtue
It boils the sto-HARD-ny heart
It gets rid of mock-HUMOUR-ing birds
It makes the bo-PARTS-dy whole
Filled with smiles e-ODD-ven when in hurt
Patience is for the la-BLIND-me patient
Who waits for ma-SORE-gic hands
To ease the an-GIANT-ger plight.

Rachel Charles
Before seeds could con-PIERCE-quer the grounds,
Death test their sta-FIRMNESS-mina with dead.
Be-FULLY-fore the gods puke what is due,
Pa-BETTER-tience must be free from hurry.

If they rule with absur-FOOLISH-dity
Tame your tongue to poles of si-DUMB-lence
Slow down, be watch-CALMLY-ful
Fol-WISELY-low the sun; set with its rays.

Life is a carpe-CRAZY-diem
A non vir-AWARD-tue
Slow steps dan-FAST-cing.
Splashes of co-FADE-lors
Clean inten-EVIL-tions
Await patient-EVICTION-ly
Exceeding pre-LIMIT-caution
Another pa-FREAKING-tience.

You must not crawl too flee-SHIT-ting
Your peers do not do-HECK-odle around
So move your vul-ARSE-ture self

Like peeling godfor-CURSED-saken orange
Like trapped in a mind-BULLSHIT-less traffic
Patience, some-LOUSY-one calls you fair
My awe-DOPE-some self agrees

A long tir-WAIT-ing,
Special virtue on-FEW-ly possess,
Endurance in times of diff-TRIAL-cult,
Trusting with be-FIRM-lief.

Patience, sometimes gran-TAKEN-ted,
The road hurd-FILLED-les
What bet-GOOD-ter reward?
Patience the rainbow af-STORM-ter.

Hijab Gurl

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