Leonell EchaNovember 24, 2017

Where stars burn bright The moon is stripped of its pride Let the particles of the broken clouds shine Make joyous hearts easy to find While the moon traipses and dawdles in self-pity The galaxies conspired Who could foretell what could transpire? But we sat Our buttocks glued to the bench of patience Our hearts […]

Leonell EchaOctober 12, 2017

Love like politics they say is a game For some, it’s much for the passion Whilst for others, it is a platform for fame Whatever maybe your mind’s fashion Keep this to heart; A game with no plan is lame Hence the formation must be such That not only attains a goal. It must also […]

Leonell EchaOctober 12, 2017

Am I not lucky to have found this storm while we rained with water of words. First time I met you, your page had form. You picked up words and pierced our minds like swords. I know it is not the last of our conquest 6 is not perfect or 1 to find the quest. […]

Leonell EchaJanuary 12, 2017

Feels Memories Stinging like a bee Heat sauced pan, Virgo fever So I love hate, dislike like Sshh. it can’t be one Multiple Feels Hypermind =========================== Grief Crumbled hope Brutal waste of time Expect time to yield promise Gulp hidden dreams to gleam light Unmoving fast days Gush of dawn Hope.       Omolola ===================================== Joy […]

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