Leonell EchaAugust 16, 2018

Mala Iwa and Agbutun have decided to finally give a voice to the unfortunate circumstances that befell some parts of Nigeria. One would agree that the reoccurring mishaps have grown from common clashes to some sort of fueled crises with some political undertones. These guys have decided to fuse Music and Spoken word poetry with […]

Leonell EchaAugust 6, 2018

After the release of his debut extended play titled RILL on the 29th October 2017 which has been played across the globe with great feed backs, Dprime Rasheed is out with another extended play titled ‘SIXTH’. Uniqueness, delivery, fusion and content; those are words that best describe the project SIXTH According Dprime Rasheed the revolutionary […]

Leonell EchaJuly 12, 2018

Ruddapoet has dropped a single titled “Ode To Fathers” from a collection called Hymns from Mount Athos. This comes after his Handwriting LP. The poem is dedicated to all “fathers” who have done good and who have done bad, and who still keep being ugly despite of having this beauty called life. For the may times […]

Leonell EchaNovember 26, 2017

This is an excerpt from Fire Up Your Writing Brain by Susan Reynolds (Writer’s Digest Books). We’re going to go there, right now, even though it might lead to automatic resistance: Writer’s block is a myth. It is not something that always existed; in fact, the concept originated in the early nineteenth century when the English poet Samuel […]

Leonell EchaDecember 6, 2016

EB Arts Organisation is a social initiative that seeks to promote the culture of education. Education that hinges on every form of art and civil involvement in creative thinking that promotes societal harmony while increasing learning. Founded in 2011 as a nongovernmental platform, EB has succeeded in holding the first Jos Inter-school poetry contest that […]

Leonell EchaNovember 30, 2016

Adios! Voila!…and a fertile rock! This is a message from Destiny’s block! Godot will follow when you fail to wait! Even early birds sail sometimes late! Love, marriage, and a Christmas Tree This is the story of the verb “to be.” Six bags of patience and a poor time clock Uncertain essence gives a good […]

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