Dear Son & Daughter…

Dear daughter,
Where are you?
It is almost midnight.
I came into your room to put out the light,
But noticed you didn’t make it back at curfew.
I thought we’ve had this conversation before,
And before your mother you swore
To quit with making these pillows look like you
When you want to run out with your crew.
Well tonight all that would do,
Because with this recalcitrance,I am through.
By the time you return,
Your exuberance would have learnt
How old enough you are to be by yourself.
You’ll serve yourself breakfast
Because in here it’d be your last.
You’d do the dishes you collected,
And wash the clothes that you neglected.
You’d pack all the books that you’ve been reading.
Be careful so the shelf does not know that you are leaving.
Rest your bones, take a nap.
When you awake, put on your Google map.
You’d pack all your stuff and head out.
I wouldn’t condone any more pleas out of your mouth.
You have decided to be grown?
Well, It’s about time you started living on your own.
I have given you enough,
I have toiled while it was rough.
You no longer realize you’re a teen.
You’ve become an adult at 18.
I’m not interested in where you’ll be going to.
I’ll keep sending you your monthly dues.
Whenever you get emotional, your mother will write you.
And do not forget to pick the pack of condoms I got you.


Your foster Dad.

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