Poetry: Common Things!


He says its usual
When his eyes wanders to my, covered breasts
When his imagination strips me nude
When his thoughts has completed Patterns of thrusting and moans

It’s usual he says
When your eyes arouses lust in me
When your jean tells me you want some
When your gown openly hides your depths, desires and flesh

I cower at his intentions
Irritated at his shallowness
Mad at his guts
Unyielding to his selfish woos
Enraged at his patriarchal instincts

It’s unusual
When my yoni is sacred ground
When i crave an undressing,
Of my essence
One thought at a time…

Omolola J.


Seeds talking to the ground
How to lift those who are down.
Food is a loaf fall from heaven
and that is God to common men.
Prayers sewn to problems
whenever the cloud gathers on our roof.
Words said with the heart with silent lips
to ears we love but loves another.
the craving of peace in a country
with head or headless suns
Broken rainbow pieces
poured into the rain dropping from eyes.
Truth said only with a mic
but not through a broken speaker.
Lies, graduating from level to level
like a mortal kombat.
Songs carrying easy pain with few lyrics,
ode to the horror that lives with the moon.
Man had his name but death became same.



Notes into chords
Chords into a song
Even beauty has its origin in humble beginnings

A cheerful smile
The tears of the heart
Both come interchangeably

Sunrise and sunset
The moon and stars
One holds our day,
The other our rest

The humming of traveling waters
The chirping of birds overhead
Nature, the beautiful portrait

The more conversant we get
The more first beauty wears
Availability undermines value

Once I marveled at the gold dust
Spread by the setting sun behind the hills of my hood
Once too many times and the beauty is gone

Common seems another name for a casket
In which beauty is buried
A beautifully ornamented Cemetery
Where value is a childish fantasy

In our quest for spectacular
Beauty, value and virtue have been named common



This door is made of gold
this floor too
The finest of rubies adorns her roof
Jade, and sapphire,
Emerald and silver
Pursue the streets like urchins after fireflies

From nine to five daily he speeds
The blue, the black, the green and white
Cars, clothes, jewelry and seraphic fancies
Will count for less
In the presence of sight,
Sound, breath
in the court of breath, trust, hope and love

He said he loves you, didn’t he?
Your eyes shift in countless directions
Testimonies of your flirtations
Say naught! do naught!
My jealousy, like your betrayals are not commonplace!
So he said

But she said
in silent outbursts
Trust should account for more
Sacrifice and hope
that no matter how much
Our transgressions weigh
Love conquers the commonplace


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