The Young Soldier

I was once the fighter Roger sir.
I also watched over brighter days – Rudolph
Old Roger and i were the same-
Safeguarding the nursery bed
Dying together was a shame
Old Roger and i were the same
This ode was made after our name;
With the Mango tree overhead
Old Roger and i were the same-
Safeguarding the nursery bed.-Leon
Old Roger ate some
Apple,it could be a lie
That we gave a knock.
Can you figure the battle?
Honour of fruits laid for us.-Rachel Charles
Stripped rank and rifle
Booze, bars, women my solace
Shadows of what was
Trailed behind still i faded to death
Mangoes and leaves as audience.– Omolola
Young Roger
Now old soldier
Dead but alive to be disrespectful
The wind blew,now old woman wants to chew.
Rogers apple
Like,the one
Ate. –Bangwan.
He wasn’t the type to give in,
He fought against the pangs of death,
As a valiant, he did win,
He wasn’t the type to give in,
Dying like old Roger was a sin,
Or is his death only a myth?
He wasn’t the type to give in,
He fought against the pangs of death.- Hijab Gurl
Old man Roger, this grudge you still hold
Hold those that cost him his life before he was old
Gone, the young soldier before his duty done
Done with mankind, and you want this woman gone.
Disturbed his rest, this tree above she perturbed
Perturbed she was when I her sanity disturbed. –Sonia Nwosu
The young lone soldier.
Grenade bullets you trigger
So engraved inside
Battle for nations but you
Hurt the old hungry woman. Hypermind
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