You say I must dream of wings
or my life is forfeit 
Rather than offer hope, you trap!
Thus, I must dance to my own beat
You say I must dream of wings
Or know nothing of stars
I wish our lives will swap
so I live outside these bars-OracLe
These words proclaimed the Oracle frequently to us
In the hunt and search for game
Unable to fathom why gods place in our hands our fate
I set on to dream and make a name
Hold fast, hold fast, sail or bear loss
Fix the wings and set to fly
Nothing should stop; neither contempt nor hate
Let our visions take us high – Jennifer Dafwat
Reality should stop dreams from hurting me.
Reality cuts and I bleed, hurts as I bleed.   
Reality stood and watched as I bled.   
On my head whispering voices feed.     
She said ‘be with me’
when he haunts and hurts my gentle soul.
Who would believe that you never cared                      
That my reality would consume my wish whole – Silvia.
In a journey of sleep dreams emerged.
Hoping to switch to reality.
Life wears shades without dreams.
Dreaming awake isn’t reality.   
Oh dreams!comes in wet clothes and dry.       
Leaving you with wishes.
Trying to meet reality 
What is reality without Dreams?-Bangwan
I know of a man, of a maiden name
Who slept with dreams and laid his claims
Winged the broken bird and soiled the barren field same
Before his snore his losses shames
This same man,  from a maiden clan
Went a little further because he can
To learn that sparrows and swallows lift their fingers
As dwam and rouse bear boons as bringers. Leon
Dreams of life and dreams of beauty
Beautiful ware to treasure and a ware to keep
The pair of wings for surfing beyond mortal limiting
But it’s beauty depends on perpetual sleep.
Dream as I may, Conny are the ways of reality
He has ruined dreams and seduced mortals into hating days;
Making Kings question the rationale for living.
Confront him, defeat him, live reality without haze. Tee2emm
Can I give a little wave
At the script God has for me
Then play a little
Whilst caress earthly visions?
Can I give a little wave
To bite men with ambition
Who arouses skittle
And distracts the dream motion?-Rachel Charles
This world i live in,
It is not enough to dream,
For the wings of my dream was broken a very long time ago,
Long before i learnt to crawl.
In my world dreams don’t win,
Holding unto it is foul,
the thought of nurturing one i let go,
For i have my mind shrouded with reality’s shawl.- Vera
She is the pregnant mother,
whose womb is a nest of the dead.
Her arms knows nothing about life
and her sweat is what her skin dread.
Why should we all bother,
if her sky holds no air?
if she becomes another wife? 
Life will still be unfair – Rudolph
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