The Game Session
These words are for the fairy god muse hides and say hi, as the wand swifts by just know it’s goodbye
These words are for the one who loves to hide and seek,  apparent apparition though his comments real.
These words are never seen footsteps, pad or pen, just a walking shadow that whispers and runs like a hen.
These words are with a penchant for the controversial, his pen knows not romance
These words are let’s say you know where you are, as we yawned to sleep then you escape your bar
These words are for the grandest of all ghost, i think he graced us once
These words are twinkle twinkle, those are stars, looks who comes and talks from afar.
These words shall ask, shall she attend to us, while her husband’s soup stews?
These words are mystical in a curves of line then until he got swallowed when he spoke of the Nile
These words are for the kung fu master, his moves rivals that of the snake in a monkey shadow.
These words found an ‘o’ before your name and it took my pen into oblivion
These words are to/two people travelling today, just to use a missing pen to find a way

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