Leonell EchaJanuary 30, 2017

I see my wealth feeding the hungry kids Teaching them what Pun and paradox are Table of Princes had drinks weaved in beads Standing applause rocketing the light hiss Royals in the White House rolled out a scroll My name echoed in wealthy Barrington Dust Whirled as I spoke, this is how I roll The […]

Leonell EchaJanuary 29, 2017

Behind the barb wired fences where dreams are caged, In clustered tents, a cesspool of congregating hopes, Awaiting another house of canvass of sheltering refuge, To trade dreams in place of life endangered and hunted, Lies the pride of the sun, its glory and its fleeing multitude Cocooned in the darkness of time to rot […]

Leonell EchaJanuary 29, 2017

Rain, Keeper of man, Guardian of green gardens and green-wards; Obsessive is your love for mankind as bee to nectar. You dance with the sun by day, You caress the moon by night. In tiny tears, You smile down on earth. You are passionate towards all, Yet-predatory to all; Bearing your heroic vexation, As you […]

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