A story a day (an address)

Dear young people, A little sprinkle of pride can do okay. But a tea spoon will be overdoing it.

Be smart. Understand business from politics. The problem we have is we try to be in a competition with the people who can help us.

Education is key. Give up anything to get it.

Be angry enough to want to change the status quo. Build agency with one another. Think beyond self. Your single action may affect an entire generation.

Be fearless. Because platforms for freedom of speech do not often open to you, always stand for truth when you can.

Do not kill an idea without bringing up an alternative. Think outside the box. There isn’t only one way of doing things. Other ways can suffice.

When the time comes, vote. Imagine what happens when all of you gathered here today and distributed across your states vote.

The only thing that will keep you back is fear; fear of the system, of religion,  of people and of yourself. Be unafraid.

I know we belong to a generation that seems to know it all, but make sure to get yourself a mentor.

There is something more important than money, and it’s money. It goes well with a nice shirt, integrity and confidence.

Buy only what you need. Teach that to yourself and your children & watch your generation blossom.

Invest in a library. Nothing beats knowledge than more knowledge. There are secrets to unlocking life and they are buried in books.

leonell echa

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