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In Experience
I was the expected jester of the house
I’ve held that position till it paid off
I lost the title to another
I tell you sincerely ,it was not amusing
Once i danced on a standing bottle
Twice ,on a roof top
I bought two ties for one fine boy
I love the dimples on his cheeks
Ive been scared he will die if i leave him
I’ve seen it happen before
I,m still missing the one before
I learned past mistakes repeat themselves
I ve heard some strange tales
I,ve had some experience myself
I once pissed straight like a man
And only one time in Enugu i saw a man cry
I’ve never seen anything that strange since
I witnessed a fulani man fuck a cow
I will testify to his insanity even in a dream
I have stories stranger than fiction
I found life is like that .