How to grow


This one thing i’d never do:
To say that i’m sorry to you.

It’s just what i believe in
The tracks won’t forget the train
Even if the rusts remain

To many, we would choose to adhere
To a few, we would never unlearn
Growing up is the trap that we fear
The smoke from the stake by which we burn

But as young as we were, we were therein
Too frail to fight, too weak to fly out too
A day comes when we, now stronger than new,
Fledglings, we forget struggling in the rain
Feeding from our mothers, feeding for grain.


He who said good news doesn’t spread
Has never tried butter on bread.

What the soil does to our seeds
Eyes have not seen, or ears heard
We only paint with a word.

Germinated! With the wind please roll
As long as you are moving forward
For time is not one you can control
Dance with the wind, stick to the foreword.

Everywhere backward is an exit door
Trouble is not always spelt in bright red
The wheeling and whipping will be absurd
Water, wait, what comes next will be preferred
Feed! Feed! By all means please get fed.

Victor Oyedele

Let me love you all that I can,
One day you’ll love another man

Find a man for what you do,
There’s honey in eyes of crooks,
More to marriage than it looks.

True words comes from mouth of a liar
Think before you love, pity your tear,
Being humble is a trait to hire,
Good grades, and this words you should adhere

Live happy, work, pray, believe in God’s plan,
One day, you’ll find a man from your heart’s clan
Who’d bring peace of mind to your peaceful blue,
Ditto dear daughter, bind you mind from hooks
If in inquest, make real fake friends with books.

Tomide Abdul

Feed your hunger and feed your soul
For the two are bits of the whole

You can’t be tall on your own
Stand on knowledge’s shoulder
It will make you seem older

From the present, peep into the past
Grow with the second’s hand of the clock
Do not crave to grow now, not so fast
Be weary, for, in wait lies your shock

How to grow has never had a template
We grow when we grow, then become bolder
Yet the human weather becomes colder
Owls are known to crawl nights collecting toll
You grow up or grow into a child’s hole

Thomas Tee2emm Bot

We all have that beautiful start,
Love that has no goodbye apart.

Beginnings take everything
The earth, the eyes, ears at noon,
some days it stares at a moon.

Herald the strength that is buried deep,
use it for the days when you feel weak.
Whenever that your sun shines so steep,
don’t mistake those troubles for the meek.

Hold God at bay, hold him with all you got,
Don’t forget to be like men, free the fart
Everything has its time, even ‘too soon’.
Pour prayers pertaining our parent’s part.
Those old ones ought to have taught us the tune.

Ruddapoet [TRCP]

You would be titled doubting tom,
To say small things can’t make a bomb.

Brick by brick a house is built,
Man and child make it a home,
Each a main part of the comb.

Each cell disjoints to make you bigger,
Each lesson preset to widen you,
Experiences would be your trigger,
Bite yourself and learn how best to chew.

Look past self, as you don’t grow in your eyes,
Focus on small things, like grey hair on mom,
How best you now understand a sitcom,.
How better you can, on your own, roam Rome,
Without insistent involvement from home.


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