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Ocean Eyes
Cruel with ‘futur’
Sweeping like a broom
Sweeping cruel
Cruel in wind
Cruel at speed
Speed beyond me
Speed without breach
Breach walls of safety
Breach bonds of peace
Peace out the window
Peace a strange fellow
Fellow pain and loss
Fellow life on toss
Toss in the quiet
Toss for some quiet
Quiet the hope’s sound
Quiet hope of joy
Joy wayward ocean
Joy the calming eye
Eye lying potion
Eye decepticon
Decepticon real
Deception con
Con seen Spirit
Con steered from Word
Word pillar ballast
Word refuge from storm
Storm aftermath eye
Storm tale in the lie
Lie ease on zion
Lie the storm has gone
Gone with wind turmoil
Gone speed reduced mild
Mild lie calm eye told
Mild unrest of storm
Storm say bow or break
Storm say I win you
You quiet despair
You tied down by fear
Fear of calm dis-rest
Fear lie sold as truth
Truth hard come by now
Truth dearer than gold
Gold priceless useless
Gold can’t warm the cold
Cold fingers tickle
Cold the thought ‘futur’
‘Futur’ bleak brightest
‘Futur’ dark and grey
Oluwaseun E. Okunlola