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And so it came to pass (II)
I had set the date right on the table,
And marked the guests in my mind.
I will burn their hate with love
And share my blessings with them.
I had called out the liar and baked the cake,
Frosted in aluminum stupidity,
I will teach them all a lesson,
I will pay them in full measure.
I had learned the lyrics off pat
And my war cry i had fussed into jazz
” this is your life” said Quello
In the midst of promises and hisses.
I had planned it out, I thought,
To be the saint and the sinner.
I had painted it all with my eyes closed
For if I listen,i will hear!
And so it came to pass;
That I found my perfect in the midst of imperfection
My forgiveness at the end of unforgiveness
And cried because it rhymes with dried and fried.
Everything cannot be about every body.
Everything cannot be about me.
I put on my favorite smile.
I went to work.