Poetry: Two Paths On This Walk We Know

death and living

I have tasted earth
in the lips of the dead
When they travel into birth
with my words unsaid.

I have written these words to life,
So you make merry alive and get a wife.
Do all your guts say, if why just strife.
If life ties your neck, these words will be a knife.

Death has been a visitor in my home,
But I have decided to live with life.
In my confusion, i still reason a little,
And i know that believe can be just enough
To keep me afloat life’s roaring sea.
To keep me warm one more time,
For this world can get really cold.
And to kiss me goodnight when I am ready to return home.

I do not speak of death like it is known to me.
Coffins must carry,spirits must vanish
But life will endure faithfully
And in time i’d have my cup of wish.

So for now i remember to forget.
I talk less of mortality.
And if death comes to collect,
Life won’t agree to release me yet.

I wish I can be strong tonight,
But I’m not.
For in your quiet way,
You took my strength away.
You left like you were not leaving,
Like a mother,
Handing out sweets to the children
Sneaking out on a stroll alone.
Tears becloud my eyes.
The desire to be here is less

How I miss the days of your laughters past
Hearty spasms that framed my hopes for the future
Sometimes I wonder what you’d say about my present.
O! How I miss your presence

I long for you to be with
But the thought of leaving weaks my wit
Death has dug a hole, deep as an endless pit
In my heart, where your memories sit


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