If this life is all we have…

If this life is all we have, whats it for?
Will it be worth a bit more than it does?
Will momentary smiles light the dark?
Will this human eyes still see in colours?
You should dream by day and live it by night
Let rain wash off stains, be spotless again
Love with all your life cos it’s all you have
If this life is all we have, burn it bright. Tee2emm
So I’ll sit back and watch it play out well.
In the lost divided memory’s dwell.
Guarantee and ‘untrusted’ pleasantries.
‘Uncalculated’ sets of binaries.
Keep it recorded it this is life is all.
I will seat and twirl on it like a ball.
Suppressed over expressed life’s dimension.
I’ll still have one whole, sane last expression.  Hypermind
This journey filled with weakness, duress.
Life is short, as they define the short skirts.
Covering  secrets, showing the real lie.
The real lie in turns becomes the truth told.
To generations yet unborn
Won’t preach  live a good life, not meant for all
Some have accepted
damnation, bad call
The firing squad they can’t escape, just die
What’s the use of living, if strength will die. – Rachel Charles
Tsk! tsk! tsk! So I heard the Ikoro
it said I should plant an Iroko tree
and carve my tales with drumbeats and music.
I will live long on the lips of mortals
Ha! Hmm! Huh! I shall be a god of words
I will structure a world with words and ink.
I will paint on existence my goodness.
Then I shall wear the pilgrim’s shoe and fare. – Ruddapoet
 If this life is all we have left to live,
None other for spare or a chance to dream.
Failing garment of mortality worn
Then I bury, in time, deeds beyond breadth.
If this life is all we have left to live,
Chalice of Amrita empty and dry,
Promise of afterlife in sacks of smoke,
We live to make the earth a fine abode.
There are 3 days before day 65.
Talk to the plants, bury your dead or die.
There are 36 days before day 5
Gather the nation, believe in her lie.
On the 6th day between 365
Uproot  the trees, hide from water the seeds
Life grows from 3 to 6 and drops to 5
We are obedient to framed false creeds. Leon.
 If this life is all we have
Where will be the thrill,
The blood rush for the hereafter
And hope that God will bring justice?
This life can’t be all, I pray
For I must come again
In whatever form, shape or clime
To feel the joys of fleshly desires.
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