You probably shudda
told me about it all right before I crossed twelve
Before these
seemingly black threads started appearing around my pubic…
Before these
auto-sequences started counting
Before these drains
started to pour on me in my sleep
I guess “WET DREAMS” is
what it’s called.
You shudda told me
that Kiki’s fleshy chest would
Suddenly appeal to me
like ‘twas a quench for my lustful thirst.
That the slight
change in my voice doesn’t make me above parental laws
That rubbing on my
‘‘we we” till I saw light white fluid was wrong religiously but doesn’t mean I
had an unhealthy or perverse mind
That talking publicly
about my “PEN”-IS as embarrassing as SHIT-IN my pants
Well, hell yeah, I
shudda known that that forbidden fruit which you refused to speak of was
something “dread-‘‘FULL’’ of pleasure and pain
But I was just a teen
And you…?
What on earth were
you there for?
Blame me not therefore,
for I have partaken in this fruit, forbidden or not
Maybe you shouldn’t
have named me Adam
No offence, but I
gotta be Oliver
Caught up in this
Where I’ve gotta ask
And maybe it’s easier
to live your lie
But it gets to that
point when you’ve gotta ask why.
Like why you scold my
baby sister ‘cause she ain’t no virgin no more
Yet no word was said
to me
I mean it takes two to
Except you got
alternate prove that she is a hermaphrodite
Either way, thanks
for making me-me
Joy with an Ed
That I am him
Got words and
Aimed @ shining the
On a future uncertain
but certainly full of moral martial
Could be arts or
Sure we ain’t blind so
we can see the signs
They tell me input
caution into your words- PRUDENCE
I hope y’all don’t
mind getting a bruise {ce} not from LEE
But speaking a
truthful word “SWORD’’
And if my words have
to be given musical classification then it ain’t got a J.ANRE {genre}
They are fast and
furious five CA-REEN
Positively dangerous
to your mind ‘cause they will change you
You got two choices,
LISTEN or not RUN while you can.

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