Poetry: Time will always be with us


Time has been good to me
And places I would love to see
Yes, time has been just time
As humans are left to crime

I have loved it and a few
Like spirals birthed by morning dew
Giving me so much beauty for a moment
Yet fading away with the slightest current.

But here I am, partially undefeated
With hope almost deflated.
With the weakest thought that I will conquer
And be someone ,before the great shocker.

Until then I will be me while I am waiting
For joy they say will come back in the morning.

Time has been a good neighbor
She talks, i listen, then we both do the labour

She hops on a bus and shows up in time
Other times, she’s surely a slippery slime.

The time that waits isn’t meant for us all
There are nights that push to climb to downfall.

Of the things I love and the things I want,
Time shows up for the things we don’t

A joy gone is taken
Mornings and nights should not be mistaken

Time heals if there’s wound
A cut string is not detuned

Time was
Is a tale of the past
Memories of that time
When good was good
When bad was bad
When life happened
And all you have left
Is what you are holding
In the pit of your stomach
Or Sour !
And time comes again
For you to forget.

Time didn’t begin lessons with me
I felt it used me whenever I was free.

It began to wield words when I was very young,
I still remember how it tasted on my tongue.

Then I met Mercy, I was in pre-primary
She slowed up my heart so love it could carry.

I later found Oka when I was almost ripe
She made my wrist watch pause, this is not a hype.

When Joy came later, she was already married.
I saw that time in the tomb and what it carried.

Time didn’t deceive me, it prepared me for you
the one who would ease my pain and teach me time is true.

I’ve gleaned for time but found a few.
Right before my eyes it all flew.

I’ve given time to time but received none.
Most times I preyed on it with a gun.

I once waited to see the night grow,
But saw it die where daylights glow.

Sometimes I wished time could wait.
It waved passed like on our last date.

I sat up watching it, seven to nine,
For the times time was here, it was all mine.

Then I could put a hand around time,
And with the other write it a rhyme.

Emny Circuit.
Perhaps that rhyme might end in bliss
Wherefore my quill shall soil a kiss

On the ageless page of time
Planting reminiscent seeds sublime

Thinking thoughts that sway the mind
Is there any as sleek as time that one can find?

Tell me and I promise to water my heart
For her, not time- she who knows my end from start

Tell me, is there any like her?
Sleek ‘knower’ of all things; before, now and after?

Time is the true seductress of youth
Truth is time and time is truth.


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