Young Dreams!


He looked on my dreams, proud
Father, source, my desire.
By my hungers set on fire
Offspring to buy.

Counterpoint I soon sang.
I had my life to live
Mine to receive and give.
My tunes to sing.

At my pyre, life began.
Death to mine. Life through His.
Dead dreams get new leases.
Not I here. Him! -Seun
At eight, I had a dream
One, was to be famous
Two, to be fabulous
They both came true

On the First Avenue,
I was a football star
Always had candy bar
I lived my dream

In my dream, I was young
For time and time again
Not once was I in pain
One dream a day

Some sit in famous Street.
Waiting for the time count.
Procrastination fount.
Perfection gap.

Found my true Lawyer shield.
Layers upon the wish.
Players who priced the Fish.
We bought with dreams.

Then Samson died on laps.
Delilah gave alarm.
Hurt his house, hurt his harm.
Give JUST a chance. – Rachel Charles
Young dreams at first they crawl,
Then hold on to walls firm.
Some leap above the term,
Others move fixed.

Young dreams at first they walk,
Giant weak steps, short feet,
Digging beneath the Crete,
Surviving sleep.

Young dreams in the end snooze.
Some build their skyscrapers,
Others wish for acres.
Young dreams do age. Leon
For the first time I lived
I was a shooting star
No! Think of an open bar,
with fine music.

People would come to me
I’d be Solomon’s heir
with a kingdom to care.
I’d be a star.

All these are just not tales,
careful so I don’t sleep
If not my dreams won’t slip.
Being young is Gold. – Ruddapoet
My child that’s not my own
Spoon-fed with all I had
Pampered into a brad
Daddy’s pet dream

My own luminous dream
The precious mini-me
Starved even in plenty
Now malnourished

I grew, my dream stayed young
Like a wounded soldier
I must crawl to drag her
To grow or die. Tee2emm


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