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With Our Beautiful
Open your booth! Bloody immigrants.
Wetin you carry? Where passport de?
Oya drop something for trespassing
Your skin is black, mine too
Your tongue is twisted, so is mine
So on what ground do you stand to cuss?
White on black is enough injustice
Discussions have not gone halfway
Now, brothers are turning on brothers
Mothers are eating their own babies
This cry for blood has turned to a theme song
A solidarity slowly eating up our land
Our rights to call a fellow African, brother
I’ve heard stories of war, love and unity
But not a day’s sun has gone by
Without one house or two raising alarm
Alarm of a loss, an abuse and injustice
Every one gets a taste of this medicine
Trump is building the great wall of the west
The school bell already rung
Some have parked their bags ready for home
More are willing to risk it all
I’ll rather be buried in a strange land
Than go back to a place where home used to be
When home refuses to be home anymore
The streets will suffer overpopulation.
With what my eyes have seen
I wonder, have we ever been beautiful?
You, you be Nigerian?
Thief! Why you no stay your country?
Victor Oyedele