Poetry: Inferno

Day 1:

A glass of red wine spilled
Consequence takes a seat
Wishes ride on the wings of horses
Memory is distilled.
Conscience drags her feet
Desire is pulled back by the reins it forces.

Day 19:

The tongue survives the flood in the mouth
Shakes off droplets, brings a towel out
But the cloud belches to rain again on doubt
Each hello, like a cane, a stroke
Temper from its sleep got woke
A battle between flame and smoke.

Day 50:

A blank page
Forgotten rage
Exile begins to age
The eyelid finds sleep
Tolerance makes to keep
And of blame, the pile does not heap.

Day 52:
(Love and the other four-letter words)

Insane pleasure
Reckless happiness
Wild orgasms
Careless measure(s)
A go, a constant yes.
Enthusiasm and other isms.

Day 105

The goodbye closet
A happy hell
A heaven yet
A place to tell.
The buried boxes are welcomed in the fire
A bargain for wisdom to now wear a wire.



Empty words moistened with hate
Back and forth, generally, the same spiky path
Unclothed tongues and bare feet
Clean souls now bear blood stains
While filthy faces glow with fake smiles
Love and marriage must the man’s worst prank

Vile words flying to and fro
Like pillows would in a children’s pillow fight
More words, more hurt
More hurt, more hate
It piled like petroleum dripping from a broken pipe

The fake smiles now fully gown,
Grown into a beautiful bloom of resentment
Now passing thoughts irritates
Momentary glimpse disgusts

More words, more hurt
More hurt, more hate
Then that that broke the straw
The slap across her well carved jaw bone
The slap that awoke the sleeping volcano
The slap that ignited tiny sparks
Poof, the flames began
It’s end, only time and a court can tell.



I didn’t rent my tears to end up here
I didn’t worship to let God spare
My heart was a soul offering
My moves were a dance offering

When I had no fruits to sell
They washed my legs with brimstone
My tongue felt a thirst but I couldn’t tell.
With sultry pangs, I Begged to see the Master himself

Very worthy a man, I call him a fine wine
Clothe in white robes while his heart wore dark smiles
I embraced lust a while
In seconds I wore an inelegant garment of servitude

Hands tied with metal rings
Eyes bore a red film
What is this life of perfection?
I thought I caressed the Scriptures, I know I intercoursed with Hymns.

Where is my robe of freedom, I justify my plea.
How can I be with liars when this life is already a lie.
These wages we receive is nothing compared to depression of The Sin
It’s useless tearing up when the ashes defined infinity.

Rachel Charles


He saw her from afar
Far across the coast this close
That her eyes set his sight ablaze.
His heart has never felt this heat.

She met his hand
When shake glue them two
To know each other in few
Seconds; minutes will do.
Hours burnt, still, palms clung to…

They never thought he’ll be
The man he painted eyes to see
Doubt full nest has caged their faith.
Surrounded by these hay
He kept his match a distant
And lit them on parts that path his dreams.



“I’m fine just doing me”.
“Why do you when someone could do you?” she replied.
“come do me” he said.
“Is that an offer?”
“sure” he responded.
” I like that. I will take you up on that offer,” she said
Making every moment special. For like the raging fire, her inferno was sparked up and all she needed was a little magic. But she was me.


You are my volcanic obsession
You erupt in my face
In my belly you explode
Blasting up the sanity of my mind
Turning my pride into magma
Destroying everything I had known
Moulding my heart into a rock
A furnace of memories
An inferno of regrets and what ifs…
My obsessive compulsive Inferno



Psycho Sexuality
Exchange ability
All tied to humanity
Humanity is tied to sin
Sin is tied to hell.


From the grave dante called
His voice full of growing decay
Words embellished in cloud of smoke
This is a hostile take over
No canister can contain this wonder
Rivers cannot rival this match
Earth gave way in a thousand cracks
Out from it slowly hissed
Unfathomable depths of deep dungeons
Proudly puddling purple flames
In whispers they mention it’s name
Full of terrifying awe
Lazy logs roll off to burn
To complete Eros masterpiece
Blindly binding souls to a dual fate
Touched and scorched, exposed to burn
Those wise enough, never looked back
Escaping hot passion like the sun.


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