Leonell EchaSeptember 4, 2016

It looked so neat when I stood upon my feet. You knew I followed the rules and I saw the hints and clues. I was the one who they used as a model as religious and faithful to seek my counsel. Deep down they never saw it, I was broken. It looked so perfect when […]

Leonell EchaAugust 17, 2016

I am the little voice of consciousness that sat behind your ears rooting for you to grow in the ways that were not ill witted. Its path are not made of that ordinary grass, that breathes fine, not those dry grasses burnt to the ashes of my death to be inhaled and swallowed to blur […]

Leonell EchaAugust 17, 2016

The town crier has lost his voice from the gathering of clouds the great one has called a meeting and asked why the waters fall on only this roof today from their eyes, upon their roofs. This same song sung by the night the silent dance taught to still to steal our feet from the […]

Leonell EchaAugust 17, 2016

This would have been nicer on your holographic screen but no, I didn’t have the luxury to do that. The best of these words are buried, dead with me long ago. I want to tell you how your today came snooping around the corner, like a piece of color poured upon the sun that shines […]

Leonell EchaAugust 17, 2016

This is how a poet like me cries he writes and writes till it feels right. His tears becomes some sad words as they drop from his heart unto the pillow papered or pad, no holding Just soft Pain   Digging into oceans, melting ice suddenly I start feeling fright Would I move on or […]

Leonell EchaJuly 9, 2016

Shades of many Many hours gone Many tones blur Blur tonight Blur late Late again Late to be loved with joy Joy grieving Joy pained Pained history History spills History in debt Debt of my heart Debt never known Known unknowns Known only in silence Silence pressure Silence bought Bought with regrets Bought bottles Bottles […]

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