Song Review: ‘LuSt’ By JoE HemaN


Song Lust
Reviewer: Joe Heman


Emotions make for the best music classics ever to sound the surface of the earth. Malvina’s background had opened her early to a fine song of soul. With her rich deep baritones and lit up heart, she found silver lining in churning out record that will outlive her physical presence and existence in the universe. Malvina is out blazing with Lust, a song with lines that speak straight to and renders your heart.

Like Lauryn Hill, like Adele, like Erykah Badu, like Jill Scott whose soulful symphonies literally ignites a fire that burns with a passion for the world to live, Malvina’s Lust is like the commandments slate from the ageless Holy Book that excites, teaches, chastises and condemns. You can’t but just be amazed… not only at Malvina’s music mind but also at the reservatory of insightful knowledge from where she muses. Not only is she a fabulous songstress, she’s a lyricist par excellence – a tiny, yet you-couldn’t-have-missed-it detail that reveals her prowess in musical scripting and professional direction.

Lust opens with a thronging guitar riffs and echoes from a hollow way, as she begins to deals on a dilemma of thoughts about lust of heart. Her musical dexterity on this song has a special swing and sway to it as she switches from her baritone octaves to the zenith of her contralto range such that even Lucifer of old couldn’t have had anything on her the way she dismissed the act of mind control. Malvina sings about the travails of a struggling girl when she lays finally at the end of day in deep reminisce of love turned lust. Pain is one of life’s inevitable and even when that’s all she can feel, ultimately Moving On remains the only resolve. But for the many little things we choose to ignore, she stays strong in the truest and most honest form.

Having pulled off a beautiful life tale shared with beautiful enchantesque vocals and an alluring orchestra, Lust winds down with a mid tempo exhortation for you to go out into your world and Shine Your Light. Malvina says to let nobody tell you you can’t!

One word, Malvina is amazing! And her Lust is a different flavour of a timeless record that we haven’t had in music years. In this genre of soul, she sampled contemporary alternatives from funk to ballad and electro with her rich deep baritones giving all the classic influence it deserved. The musical arrangement is void of any flaw whatsoever, you can literally feel the Lust’s synergy. Best of all, one music mind delivered all of this variety in a singular production effort(Produced by Drumma). I had so much fun reviewing this song as I did listening to it. Imagine loosing track of time writing just because you got too engrossed in listening? Well, that’s Malvina… Lust!


And just a vital information always left out- Augsburg Habila was the maestro on the guitar!

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